Goals of the Association

  • Provide an important information resource to medical professionals and patients with Addison’s disease/adrenal insufficiency
  • To raise awareness with the medical profession, so that adrenal insufficiency is considered when difficult cases present
  • Offer a caring network of support for people medically diagnosed with Addison's disease/adrenal insufficiency


We are a non-profit organisation, staffed by volunteers, and funded by membership fees, donations and bequests. We do not receive any government funding. In 1998 we became an Association and now have representatives in most States and Territories.

Please consider supporting our work with a donation


Since 1995, when the Association was first formed:

  • Membership has grown from 3 to more than 300
  • We put our members in contact with each other, and exchange newsletters with similar overseas organisations
  • We communicate with government departments, drug companies, specialists and various medical organisations
  • We hold memberships of self help and support organisations in Australia and overseas
  • Updated information is maintained on our website for members and medical professionals
  • State and Territory representatives and coffee catch up hosts organise meetings from time to time and arrange activities which give local members the opportunity to get to know others
  • Our telephone support service is available to members, their families and friends
  • An annual seminar is held in Sydney each year where guest speakers present on different aspects of Addison’s disease/adrenal insufficiency. It facilitates information sharing and allows members to meet others with this rare condition.


We publish a regular newsletter in which case histories and new information are featured. It includes an FAQ section where members' questions are answered by a leading endocrinologist and a pharmacist who have offered their services to the Association. We also report on the work the Association has been doing to raise awareness and improve the quality of life for members.